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Mist Survival PC

10:59:00 PM

Mist Survival PC

It is a single-player game in the style of open world and survival. You will be safe from the virus outbreak and must survive by storing food, finding shelter and protecting yourself from wildlife, bandits and infected creatures. You can also help other survivors and invite survivors to join your camp. The player will experience a strange blur that can happen anytime, the dense dusty environment is associated with certain events. The infected and mutated are able to come out of their shelters at night or when there is no sunlight, meaning they can hunt you while the fog covers everything.

Mist Survival game is one of the survival and open world style games designed and developed by Rati Wattanakornprasit and made for the PC platform. Other features of the Mist Survival game include: a single-player and sometimes difficult game for survival, with dynamic weather and a day and night rotation system, The possibility of making all kinds of handicrafts for protection from the enemies in the game, the possibility of building a camp and controlling NPCs or non-players in the game, the possibility of animal husbandry, the system of clothing and weapons, the possibility of defending the camp and agricultural lands with the help of weapons and traps. As well as non-players, he pointed out the ability to play stealthily so as not to be seen by enemies, have all kinds of diseases and wounds, make generators and all kinds of electrical appliances and produce electricity, etc.

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